想進Amazon?你讀Jeff Bezos今年給股東的信了嗎?

Henry Feng
22 min readApr 19, 2020


前幾天,Jeff Bezos,亞馬遜的創辦人,對外發表了每年慣例的股東信,在這個Covid-19肆虐美國的多事之秋,Jeff的股東信和前幾年有些許不同,除了展望未來和陳列亞馬遜在來年所達到的各種成就之外,今年的內容多圍繞在疫情中,亞馬遜作為一個公司所做的各種努力和怎麼協助世界共同對抗這個疾病。其實看完真的會對自己所在的公司有種光榮感和驕傲,或許隨著年紀增大,共情能力和淚腺逐漸弱化,更容易感動吧!

在Jeff的股東信出來之後,就有在想要怎麼和大家分享這篇文字,也想說要怎麼樣結合我部落格的方向,給商業分析的求職者一些微微發亮的價值。若你想要應徵亞馬遜,想必聽過14個領導原則(14 Leadership Principle),這14個原則相關的問題完整的構組成每次面試的核心,直接地來說,亞馬遜就是要找符合這14項領導原則的個體加入公司,因為我們相信有這些特質的人,可以帶領公司走向卓越和永續發展。






第一個原則:顧客至上 (Customer Obsession)

- One thing we’ve learned from the COVID-19 crisis is how important Amazon has become to our customers. We’re proud of the work our teams are doing to help customers through this difficult time.

- Amazonians are working around the clock to get necessary supplies delivered directly to the doorsteps of people who need them.

- we announced we were creating another 75,000 jobs to respond to customer demand. These new hires are helping customers who depend on us to meet their critical needs



第二個原則:主人翁精神 (Ownership)

- A next step in protecting our employees might be regular testing of all Amazonians, including those showing no symptoms.

- We also launched the AWS Diagnostic Development Initiative, a program to support customers working to bring more accurate diagnostic solutions to market for COVID-19. Better diagnostics help accelerate treatment and containment of this pandemic.

- And we believe if Amazon can get to net zero carbon ten years early, any company can — and we want to work together with all companies to make it a reality.


第三個原則:創新與簡化 (Invent & Simplify)

- A team of Amazonians — from research scientists and program managers to procurement specialists and software engineers — moved from their normal day jobs onto a dedicated team to work on this initiative.

- We’re making it easy for customers to use Amazon.com or Alexa to donate directly to charities on the front lines of the COVID-19 crisis, including Feeding America, the American Red Cross, and Save the Children.

- AWS is also inherently more efficient than the traditional in-house data center. That’s primarily due to two things — higher utilization, and the fact that our servers and facilities are more efficient than what most companies can achieve running their own data centers.


第四個原則:決策正確 (At Right, A Lot)

- We have temporarily closed Amazon Books, Amazon 4-star, and Amazon Pop Up stores because they don’t sell essential products, and we offered associates from those closed stores the opportunity to continue working in other parts of Amazon.

- Customers count on us to be there, and we are fortunate to be able to help. With our scale and ability to innovate quickly, Amazon can make a positive impact and be an organizing force for progress.

這個原則說明在亞馬遜的每個領導者,大多數時間都能跟隨商業直覺做出正確的決策。而且於此同時能透過不同的方式去證明這個決策的假設真偽,進而迅速進行調整。像是第一時間跟隨著本能關閉不是必需品的零售店(Amazon Books, Amaazon 4-stars, Amazon Pop up),將人員有效移動到相對必需品的零售店鋪(Whole Food/Amazon Go等),還有強調我們做的商業決策能確實的幫助顧客度過難關。

第五個原則:好奇求知 (Learn and Be Curious)

- Amazon’s sustainability scientists have spent more than three years developing the models, tools, and metrics to measure our carbon footprint.

- To ensure that future generations have the skills they need to thrive in a technology-driven economy, we started a program last year called Amazon Future Engineer, which is designed to educate and train low-income and disadvantaged young people to pursue careers in computer science.


第六個原則:選賢舉能 (Hire and Develop the Best)

- Crucially, while providing these essential services, we are focused on the safety of our employees and contractors around the world — we are deeply grateful for their heroic work and are committed to their health and well-being.

- And Amazon’s jobs come with an industry-leading $15 minimum wage and comprehensive benefits.

- Amazon Future Engineer currently funds Introduction to Computer Science and AP Computer Science classes for more than 2,000 schools in underserved communities across the country.


第七個原則:最高標準 (Insist on the Highest Standard)

- Consulting closely with medical experts and health authorities, we’ve made over 150 significant process changes in our operations network and Whole Foods Market stores to help teams stay healthy

- In Canada, OTN — one of the world’s largest virtual care networks — is scaling its AWS-powered video service to accommodate a 4,000% spike in demand to support citizens as the pandemic continues.

- And don’t think we’re not going to get those last 12 points — we’ll make AWS 100% carbon free through more investments in renewable energy projects.

高標準的原則當然就是體現在亞馬遜的各種技術和對於各種目標的追求是極為要求的。包含對於Whole Food的健康保護不打馬虎。AWS的效能和性能能在這個多事之秋持續支持使用AWS企業增加的需求進而幫助到客戶,還有AWS提早達到全部使用再生能源的目標。而這些完美的用戶體驗和品質保證不外乎就是Amazonian追求最高標準的結果。

第八個原則:胸懷大志 (Think Big)

- For this to work, we as a society would need vastly more testing capacity than is currently available. If every person could be tested regularly, it would make a huge difference in how we fight this virus. Those who test positive could be quarantined and cared for, and everyone who tests negative could re-enter the economy with confidence.

- The pledge commits Amazon to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement 10 years early — and be net zero carbon by 2040.

- Amazon pays up to 95% of tuition and fees toward a certificate or diploma in qualified fields of study, leading to enhanced employment opportunities in high-demand jobs.

這個原則和Ownership有點類似,但除了將目光放長遠之外,更有些要立定一些遠大夢想的味道,把一些看似不太可能的目標訂立出來,並且透過實際讓自己更接近那樣的目標,包含設定全員工的冠狀病毒檢測能力 (這件事可能一個國家都做不到,但亞馬遜胸懷大志想要自己來完成),包含達成零碳排放在2040年,以及投注更多成本在培育更多人才在高需求的工作。唯有你立定了你的遠大前程,你才會更有勇氣去規劃每個小步去達成你那些看似不可能的夢想,而這就是亞馬遜想要從面試者眼睛忠看到的特質。

第九個原則:崇尚行動 (Bias for Action)

- We quickly prioritized the stocking and delivery of essential household staples, medical supplies, and other critical products.

- To accelerate our response to price-gouging incidents, we created a special communication channel for state attorneys general to quickly and easily escalate consumer complaints to us.

- Following CDC guidance, our Alexa health team built an experience that lets U.S. customers check their risk level for COVID-19 at home.

這應該是我最喜歡且最有感的領導原則吧。這也是在美國新聞中報導亞馬遜最多的、能見度最高的行動。包含因為因應需求取消了非必需品的運送,而將一些基本需求的商品做為可購買的需求以維持供貨穩定。而一開始疫情爆發後,避免發生太多囤貨和物價哄抬,立刻採取行動避免這種不公平的事情發生在消費者身上。而文中也提到Alexa team也針對美國衛生局的建議加入額外在家就可以檢查冠狀病毒自身身體狀態的語音查詢。在面對各種決策,別想太多,做就對了!

第十個原則:勤儉節約 (Frugality)

- Since 2008, this program has saved more than 810,000 tons of packaging material and eliminated the use of 1.4 billion shipping boxes.

- Amazon Future Engineer also gives 100 four-year, $40,000 college scholarships to computer science students from low-income backgrounds. Those scholarship recipients also receive guaranteed, paid internships at Amazon after their first year of college.


第十一個原則:贏得信任 (Earn Trust)

- While training new hires is challenging with new distancing requirements, we continue to ensure that every new employee gets six hours of safety training.

- We also established the Amazon Relief Fund — with an initial $25 million in funding — to support our independent delivery service partners and their drivers, Amazon Flex participants, and temporary employees under financial distress.

- Amazon is acting aggressively to protect our customers from bad actors looking to exploit the crisis. We’ve removed over half a million offers from our stores due to COVID-based price gouging, and we’ve suspended more than 6,000 selling accounts globally for violating our fair-pricing policies.

以上三個句子象徵著亞馬遜在各方面贏得信任,包含對於物流中心需要每天面對面接觸的員工、對於替亞馬遜公司的司機、約聘人員和物流遞送者也提供保護和救助,同時也要贏取最重要的,我們客戶的信任,保護客戶的消費權益,不讓客戶在疫情中被無故剝削和花錢。這塊和Bias for action結合起來是非常強大的,因為必須要讓客戶足夠信任我們,他們才會持續在亞馬遜上消費和使用。

第十二個原則:追根究柢 (Dive Deep)

- We also launched the AWS Diagnostic Development Initiative, a program to support customers working to bring more accurate diagnostic solutions to market for COVID-19. Better diagnostics help accelerate treatment and containment of this pandemic.

- Their detailed analysis has found that shopping online consistently generates less carbon than driving to a store, since a single delivery van trip can take approximately 100 roundtrip car journeys off the road on average.

這個原則也是作為資料分析師、資料科學家時常會掛在嘴邊的準則。碰到任何商業問題或是挑戰時,怎麼發揮追根究柢的精神持續的挖掘答案,並且證明假設為真。這是商業分析師面試一定會詢問到的領導原則,你能不能像Jeff Bezos信中提到的這些例子,幫助你的商業夥伴解決一個他們百思不得其解的問題,並且創造影響力?

第十三個原則:批判與承諾 (Have a Backbone; Disagree & Commitment)

- Along with our use of renewable energy, these factors enable AWS to do the same tasks as traditional data centers with an 88% lower carbon footprint.

- This type of investment sends a signal to the marketplace to start inventing and developing new technologies that large, global companies need to transition to a low-carbon economy.


第十四個原則:達成成果 (Deliver Results)

- WHO is leveraging our cloud to build large-scale data lakes, aggregate epidemiological country data, rapidly translate medical training videos into different languages, and help global healthcare workers better treat patients.

- And we believe if Amazon can get to net zero carbon ten years early, any company can — and we want to work together with all companies to make it a reality.

- We’ve also committed to reaching 80% renewable energy by 2024 and 100% renewable energy by 2030. (The team is actually pushing to get to 100% by 2025 and has a challenging but credible plan to pull that off.)

總算摘錄完到最後一個領導原則了。雖然我們常說過程很重要、路途的風景才是最美,但在一個企業中,能達到成果還是非常重要的,亞馬遜當然也不例外。而這些成果的展現當然是奠基在前面十三個領導原則,像是Dive deep、Bias for Action等等,而這些成果在非常高標準的要求之下,甚至能在目標日期之前提早完成,包含對於地球保護的企業責任,各項產品的性能品質都希望能達到成果,以及讓顧客滿意。

以上就是我從今年大佬給股東的信中,萃取出來和14項領導原則相對應的段落與字句。進入亞馬遜工作也快滿一年了,雖然整個過程有高有低,低潮的時間也不算少數,但說和之前在台灣工作的差別,真的是這代表公司精神的領導原則了吧,領導原則和亞馬遜的公司文化是如此契合,在每天工作,可能一個轉角瞬間,在踟躕之際,每個將我拉出猶豫的,真的是領導原則的其中一項或是多個項目。從面試的過程、到工作、到大佬寫給股東的公開信中,Leadership Principle無所不在,而我相信也是這幾個原則讓亞馬遜可以一直成長下去吧!




Henry Feng
Henry Feng

Written by Henry Feng

Sr. Data Scientist | UMN MSBA | Medium List: https://pse.is/SGEXZ | 諮詢服務: https://tinyurl.com/3h3uhmk7 | Podcast: 商業分析眨眨眼

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